The Botanical City: A Busy Person's Guide to the Wondrous Plants to Find, Eat and Grow in the City (Wellness & Green Living)Helena Dove

Art Nr.: 1910566799

ISBN 13: 9781910566794

B-Nr: INF1000288201

Release year: 2020

Published by: HOXTON MINI PR

Edition: Gebundene Ausgabe

Cover: Gebundene Ausgabe

Cover Format: 286x186x17

Pages: 192

Weight: 682 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Helena Dove

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Cities are abundant with nature - and nowhere more so than London. So why is it that we fail to notice the greenery that surrounds our busy lives And isn't now the time, with the growing ecological crisis, for those of us in cities to reconnect to nature This is a beautifully produced interpretation of an 18th-century classic, Floral Londinensis, which set out to record every wild plant in London and which remains surprisingly relevant. Working with Kew horticulture expert Helena Dove, we have handpicked the 100 most fascinating plants from the original and included highly faithful reproductions of ultra-detailed illustrations set alongside a new set of unusual facts, contemporary medicinal uses, modern recipes and more.